UI Design - Wildlife: Forest Survival
Wildlife Main Menu
The main menu for a game called Wildlife: Forest Survival (publisher: EA; Xbox 360, PS3)

UI Design - Wildlife: Forest Survival
Wildlife Creature Select
The creature select screen for a game called Wildlife: Forest Survival (publisher: EA; Xbox 360, PS3)

UI Design - Wildlife: Forest Survival
Wildlife Map Select
The map select screen for a game called Wildlife: Forest Survival (publisher: EA; Xbox 360, PS3)

UI Design - Wildlife: Forest Survival
Wildlife Leaderboards
The leaderboards screen for a game called Wildlife: Forest Survival (publisher: EA; Xbox 360, PS3)

Click the video above to see the Wildlife menu in motion on Xbox 360

UI Design - Atari Smash
Atari Smash Main Menu
The main menu for a game called Atari Smash (publisher: Atari; Xbox 360, PS3)

UI Design - Atari Smash
Atari Smash Character Select
The character select screen for a game called Atari Smash (publisher: Atari; Xbox 360, PS3)

UI Design - Atari Smash
Atari Smash Map Select
The map select screen for a game called Atari Smash (publisher: Atari; Xbox 360, PS3)

Click the video above to see the Atari Smash menu in motion on Xbox 360

UI Design - The Undergarden
Undergarden Title Screen
The title screen for The Undergarden (published by Atari; Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

UI Design - The Undergarden
Undergarden Controls Screen
The player controls screen for the Xbox 360 version of The Undergarden (published by Atari; Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

UI Design - The Undergarden
Undergarden Settings Screen
The settings screen for The Undergarden (published by Atari; Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

UI Design - Naval Assault
Naval Assault Main Menu
The main menu for a retail Xbox 360 game called Naval Assault: The Killing Tide (published by 505 Games)

UI Design - Naval Assault
Naval Assault Sub Select
The submarine select screen for a retail Xbox 360 game called Naval Assault: The Killing Tide (published by 505 Games)

UI Design - Naval Assault
Naval Assault Settings
The settings screen for a retail Xbox 360 game called Naval Assault: The Killing Tide (published by 505 Games)

UI Design - Kinect/Move Title
UI Prototype - Unannounced Kinect/Move Title
Exercise select screen for an unannounced Kinect/Move title currently being developed.

UI Design - Kinect/Move Title
UI Prototype - Unannounced Kinect/Move Title
Level select screen for an unannounced Kinect/Move title currently being developed.

UI Design - Kinect/Move Title
UI Prototype - Unannounced Kinect/Move Title
Stats screen for an unannounced Kinect/Move title currently being developed.


resume (.pdf)